SEM images of the megaspore of Isoetes ulei (Ule 3533, HBG), I. martii (Pereira 726, UPCB) and I. ×goebelii (Pereira 718, UPCB). A–B Details of the macrosculpture of the megaspore of I. ulei A Proximal view B Distal view C Details of the microsculpture of the megaspore of I. ulei in distal view showing the terminal ends of anastomosed bars joined forming echinulae D–E Details of the macrosculpture of the megaspore of martii D Proximal view. E. Distal view F Details of the microsculpture of the megaspore of martii in distal view showing the terminal ends of anastomosed bars joined forming echinulae G–H Details of the macrosculpture of the megaspore of I. × goebelii G Proximal view H Distal view I Details of the microsculpture of the megaspore of I. × goebelii in distal view showing the terminal ends of anastomosed bars joined forming echinulae. Scale bars: A, B, D, E, G, H = 10 µm; C, F, I = 1 µm.