Cryptantha acrimuricata. Images of collection: M.G. Simpson 4186, 14 April 2019, SDSU22965 A herbarium specimen. Note dominant primary stem terminating in bifurcate cymules B–E, H, I field photographs B primary stem, showing cauline leaves and lateral branches C close-up of primary stem, the vestiture primarily strigose plus scattered spreading-hirsute D extreme close-up of primary stem, showing predominantly whitish strigose vestiture (trichomes antrorsely oriented) E close-up of cymule tip, showing relatively small corolla, this one slightly < 2 mm wide F, G flower removed and dehydrated F corolla, showing fornices, anthers adnate to corolla tube, and basal appendages G gynoecium, showing 4-lobed ovary, gynobasic style, and discoid stigma H cymule of primary stem I close-up of mature fruiting calyces. Note ovoid shape and spreading-hispid, pustulate trichomes of thickened sepal midribs.

  Part of: Simpson MG, Simpson LM, André JM (2024) Cryptantha acrimuricata (Boraginaceae), a distinctive new taxon of series Muricatae. PhytoKeys 250: 193-213.