Morphological characters of Syzygium balgooyi and S. schumannianum. Syzygium balgooyi (a–k): a c. 20 m tall trunk b upper leaf surface; c lower leaf surface d bark with slash e ridged shoot apex with subopposite leaves f flowers at different stages during anthesis and fruit g trunk base with steep narrow buttresses h inflorescence with flower buds i shoot with young leaves j dried flowers before and during anthesis and longitudinal section of flower k dried fruit and longitudinal section of fruit showing two cotyledons. Syzygium schumannianum (l–m): l dried flowers before and during anthesis m dried fruit. a–b and h–iBrambach et al. 1564cBrambach et al. 0861d–eBrambach et al. 0628f sighting on Mt Katopas by FB gBrambach et al. 0889; j holotype van Balgooy 3956 [L.2517558] kde Vogel 5413 [L.2517563] lWiakabu et al. LAE 50571 [L.2535534] mBrass 13610 [L.2524420]. All scale bars: 1 cm.

  Part of: Brambach F, Byng JW, Culmsee H (2017) Five new species of Syzygium (Myrtaceae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia. PhytoKeys 81: 47-78.