Type A–D SEM micrographs of external view of Halamphora lombokensis Hamilton, Pane, Risjani & Solak A general external view of a valve B details of central area showing simple depressed proximal raphe endings C, D details of the apices showing distal raphe endings. A small grove extends from the terminal raphe end towards the apex. E–H SEM micrographs of internal view of Halamphora lombokensis E general external view of a valve F details of central area showing proximal raphe endings. Arrows highlight thick verminae separating the areolae. G, H details of the apices showing distal raphe endings. Scale bars: 5 μm (A, E); 2 μm (F–H); 1 μm (B–D).

  Part of: Pane EP, Risjani Y, Hamilton PB, Solak CN, Yunianta Y, Ertorun N, Yılmaz E (2024) A new marine diatom (Bacillariophyceae) species – Halamphora lombokensis sp. nov. and the first observation for H. banzuensis from Kuta Beach Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. PhytoKeys 250: 165-179. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.250.132304