SEM micrographs of external view of Halamphora banzuensis A general external view of a valve B details of the central area showing proximal raphe endings C, D details of the apices showing distal raphe endings E–H SEM micrographs of internal view of Halamphora banzuensis E general internal view of a valve F details of the central area showing proximal raphe endings G, H details of the apices showing distal raphe endings and axial ridge. Arrows identify silica rib extending the length of the internal valve near the axial area on dorsal side. J–L SEM micrographs of external girdle view of Halamphora banzuensis J general external view of a valve K details of central area showing proximal raphe endings L details of the apices showing distal raphe endings. Scale bars: 5 μm (A, E, J); 2 μm (B–D, F–H); 1 μm (K, L).

  Part of: Pane EP, Risjani Y, Hamilton PB, Solak CN, Yunianta Y, Ertorun N, Yılmaz E (2024) A new marine diatom (Bacillariophyceae) species – Halamphora lombokensis sp. nov. and the first observation for H. banzuensis from Kuta Beach Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. PhytoKeys 250: 165-179.