Shenglan Du, Miaoxuan Wang, Neng Wei, Geoffrey Mwachala, Guangwan Hu, Lin Wu, Shengwei Wang, Qingfeng Wang (2023)
Contributions to the Flora of Tropical East Africa.
Plants12: 1336.
DOI: 10.3390/plants12061336
Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah, Olivier Lachenaud, Robert Douglas Stone, Gudrun Kadereit (2019)
Nothodissotis (Melastomataceae), a new genus from Atlantic Central Africa, including the new species N. alenensis from Equatorial Guinea.
PhytoKeys118: 89.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.118.31572
Carmen Ulloa Ulloa, Frank Almeda, Renato Goldenberg, Gudrun Kadereit, Fabián A. Michelangeli, Darin S. Penneys, R. Douglas Stone, Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah (2022)
Systematics, Evolution, and Ecology of Melastomataceae.
Chapter 1: 3.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-99742-7_1
Marie Claire Veranso-Libalah, R. Douglas Stone, Gudrun Kadereit, Paulo José Fernandes Guimarães (2022)
Systematics, Evolution, and Ecology of Melastomataceae.
Chapter 21: 429.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-99742-7_21
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