Overview of the maximum likelihood phylogram inferred from ITS data. Major clades in the complete tree are collapsed. The corresponding figures showing details of subsections of the tree are indicated. ML bootstrap support is recorded along branches. No support is shown for branches with bootstrap support <50%. The ML tree is presented in its entirety in Suppl. material 4.

  Part of: Saarela JM, Bull RD, Paradis MJ, Ebata SN, Peterson PM, Soreng RJ, Paszko B (2017) Molecular phylogenetics of cool-season grasses in the subtribes Agrostidinae, Anthoxanthinae, Aveninae, Brizinae, Calothecinae, Koeleriinae and Phalaridinae (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae, Poeae chloroplast group 1). PhytoKeys 87: 1-139. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.87.12774