Erica EDGE species ranked by EDGE score (A) and indicated on the Erica phylogenetic tree (B; tree 69 of the 100 complete species level trees with missing taxa imputed) by circles coloured and size-scaled according to species EDGE scores. Scores are given in natural logarithmic scale..

  Part of: Pirie MD, Bellstedt DU, Bouman RW, Fagúndez J, Gehrke B, Kandziora M, Le Maitre NC, Musker SD, Newman E, Nürk NM, Oliver EGH, Pipins S, van der Niet T, Forest F (2024) Spatial decoupling of taxon richness, phylogenetic diversity and threat status in the megagenus Erica (Ericaceae). PhytoKeys 244: 127-150.