A–C sheet deposited in the type photograph collection of the New York Botanical Garden (Negative No. 1163; sheet without barcode or access number and not available online) containing a photograph of the isolectotype of Lasiostoma bredemeyeri Schult. & Schult.f. conserved in the Willdenow herbarium at B (Bredemeyer s.n.; Fig. 1B,C) and two overlapping notes made by Krukoff A overview; note the detail of the original label containing the description “Lasiostoma glabra, corollis fauce glabris” (at center) and Krukoff’s identification tag made in 1975 (at right) B detail of the uppermost typewritten note made by Krukoff C detail of the basalmost handwritten note made by Krukoff (all images made by R. B. Setubal).

  Part of: Setubal RB, Struwe L, Prado J, Forzza RC (2024) Clarifying the nomenclature of Strychnos bredemeyeri and Lasiostoma (Loganiaceae). PhytoKeys 243: 137-148. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.243.123921