Scatter plot visualizing Dim1 and Dim2 from the principal component analyses based on the assembled morphological trait variables and accessions of the three species nested in the Incanae clade (see Fig. 2), namely, C. incana L., C. bracteata Roxb. ex DC. and the new species Crotalaria menglaensis S.A.Rather. Dim1 explained 44.3% of the variation, whereas DIM2 explained 40.2%. The vectors corresponded to KL = keel length, SW - standard width, SEW - seed width, and SEL - seed length.

  Part of: Rather SA, Radbouchoom S, Wang K, Xiao Y, Liu H, Schneider H (2024) Molecular, morphological, and morphometric evidence reveal a new, critically endangered rattlepod (Crotalaria, Fabaceae/Leguminosae, Papilionoideae) from tropical China. PhytoKeys 242: 333-348.