Comparison of Rhododendron leishanicum and R. oligocarpum A, D, G, J, M R. leishanicum from Leigong mountain B, E, H, K, N R. oligocarpum from Fanjing mountain C, F, I, L, O R. oligocarpum from Maoer mountain A–C branchlets with flowers D–F adaxial and abaxial surface of leaf G–I corolla with deep purple basal spots J–L pedicel, Calyx, ovary and style indumentum M–O stamens side view.

  Part of: Chen S, Hao L, Deng Y-H, Yang C-H, Yuan J-M, Lou J-X, He Y-S, Chen X (2024) A new synonym of Rhododendron leishanicum (subg. Hymenanthes) from China (Ericaceae). PhytoKeys 243: 9-14.