Solanum jobsonii Martine, J.Cantley, and L.M.Lacey and related species. A Typical habitat in clay soils with limestone stones and laterite pebbles, Limmen National Park, NT B S. jobsonii in flower and C in mature fruit D Corolla comparisons of staminate (upper) and hermaphrodite (lower) flowers for S. jobsonii (left) and S. diversiflorum (right) E Leaf shape across varying leaf ages for S. jobsonii (top) and S. diversiflorum (bottom) F S. jobsonii immature fruit with armed calyx G Corolla comparisons of staminate (upper) and hermaphrodite (lower) flowers for S. eburneum (left) and S. watneyi (right) H Leaf shape across varying leaf ages for S. watneyi (top) and S. eburneum (bottom) I Seed size, shape, and color comparisons from left to right – S. jobsonii, S. diversiflorum, S. eburneum, and S. watneyi J S. jobsonii trichome density of apical adaxial leaf surface (top) and apical abaxial leaf surface (bottom). Photos A, B, C, F, G by J.T. Cantley; H by E.S. Frawley; D, E, I, J by L.M. Lacey. Yellow scale bars: B, D, F, G = 1.5 cm; C = 5 cm; E, H = 2.25 cm; I = 8 mm; J = 1.5 mm.

  Part of: Lacey LM, Cantley JT, Martine CT (2017) Solanum jobsonii, a novel andromonoecious bush tomato species from a new Australian national park. PhytoKeys 82: 1-13.