Thismia malayana A flowering plant A1 floral tube, inner surface A2 annulus and stamen filaments, view from inside B inflorescence with anthetic flower and several young fruits B1 style and stigma B2 annulus, top view C flower, side view D, E stamens, view from inside and from outside, E1 stamen supraconnectives: one pair of club-shaped inwards-pointing, one pair of acute outwards-pointing, and one central appendage F stamen supraconnectives, apical view G stamen tube, view from below H, H1 fruit after dehiscence, top view, H2 seeds I shoot base with roots. Photos by Siti-Munirah (A1–I) and Hardy-Adrian (A) from FRI 101701 (A), FRI 101702 (F, G, I), FRI 101703 (E1), FRI 101705 (B, B2, H, H1, H2) & FRI 101710 (A1, A2, B1, C, D, E). Images not to scale (see dimensions in description and Figs 1, 3).

  Part of: Siti-Munirah MY, Hardy-Adrian C, Mohamad-Shafiq S, Irwan-Syah Z, Hamidi AH (2024) Thismia malayana (Thismiaceae), a new mycoheterotrophic species from Peninsular Malaysia. PhytoKeys 242: 229-239.