Thismia malayana A flowering plant B flower, side view C flower, view from above D flower, longitudinal section E three stamens, outer view F tepal with terminal appendage, adaxial view G ovary, longitudinal section H style and stigma I involucral bract, adaxial view J leaf, adaxial view. All drawn by Mohamad Aidil Noordin from spirit material, Siti-Munirah FRI 101705 (A–C); FRI 101701 (D–J).

  Part of: Siti-Munirah MY, Hardy-Adrian C, Mohamad-Shafiq S, Irwan-Syah Z, Hamidi AH (2024) Thismia malayana (Thismiaceae), a new mycoheterotrophic species from Peninsular Malaysia. PhytoKeys 242: 229-239.