Elif Yılmaz, Romain Gastineau, Cüneyt Nadir Solak, Ewa Górecka, Rosa Trobajo, Monique Turmel, Claude Lemieux, Christian Otis, Andrzej Witkowski, David G. Mann (2024)
Morphological and molecular characterization of Halamphora vantushpaensis (Bacillariophyceae, Amphipleuraceae), a new diatom species widely dispersed on the shores of the soda Lake Van (Türkiye).
PhytoKeys249: 95.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.249.133205
Julie Seveno, Andrzej Witkowski, Ana Car, Romain Gastineau, Damien Sirjacobs, Vincent Leignel, Jean-Luc Mouget (2024)
Impact of Blue Haslea spp. Blooms on Benthic Diatom and Bacterial Communities.
Phycology4: 465.
DOI: 10.3390/phycology4030027
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