Itea amoena from Shangsi County, Guangxi, China A habitat B leaves in adaxial and abaxial views C flowering branchlet D branchlet E part of inflorescences, showing usually 2 or 3 flowers per node F part of inflorescences, showing floral petals reflexed at anthesis G flowers with the different parts separated H flowers at the end of flowering, showing two fused carpels per fruit and deciduous petals I mature fruits. Voucher specimens: Zhu-Qiu Song et al. JZ20230531, JZ20230537 (IBSC). Scale bars: 2 cm (B); 4 cm (C); 5 mm (G).

  Part of: Song Z-Q, Zhang B-Y (2024) Taxonomic notes on the genus Itea (Iteaceae). PhytoKeys 239: 59-72.