The main screen of the Erica ID aid in ‘view’ mode. The top ribbon provides access to, from left to right, the different identification and view modes; separate windows for information sources (open below the ribbon); options for presenting data in the aid; and links to the help file, webpage, and version information. The open windows, clockwise from top left are the characters used for narrowing down possible species identifications with options underneath for showing and finding data within the ID aid or through external links (‘map distributions’ opens Google Earth); distribution (a list of QDS map references in which the taxon is found); subspecific taxa; synonyms presented with World Flora Online (WFO) links; and references, including where available a DOI link to the relevant taxonomic treatment.

  Part of: Oliver EGH, Forshaw N, Oliver IM, Volk F, Schumann AWS, Dorr LJ, Hoekstra RD, Musker SD, Nürk NM, Pirie MD, Rebelo AG (2024) Genus Erica: An identification aid version 4.00. PhytoKeys 241: 143-154.