Flowers of Malpighiaceae A side view of the flower of Amorimia coriacea showing the cincinnus peduncle with a bract at base and two bracteoles at apex B detail of the 2-glandular bracteoles of Glicophyllum cardiophyllum C details of the glandular margin of the bracteole of Christianella multiglandulosa D bracteoles of Mezia araujoi concealing the floral bud at pre-anthesis (floral pedicel is absent) E floral bud of Niedenzuella multiglandulosa, showing a very short peduncle with a bract at base and two bracteoles at apex F flower of Banisteriopsis laevifolia showing pedicel with bract and bracteoles at base (peduncle absent) G plane and patent bract and bracteoles of Alicia anisopetala H cucullate bract and bracteoles of Dicella bracteosa I deflexed bract and bracteoles of Dicella nucifera J eglandular sepals concealing petals at pre-anthesis in Thryallis longifolia K 1-glandular calyx of Hiptage benghalensis L 10-glandular calyx of Camarea axillaris M 8-glandular calyx of Christianella multiglandulosa showing the multi-glandular margin of sepals N erect sepals of Galphimia australis O revolute apex of sepals of Byrsonima basiloba P revolute and reflexed sepals of Thryallis longifolia Q floral diagram of a Malpighiaceae flower with sepals in green, sepal glands in red, lateral petals in yellow, posterior petal in brown, androecium in blue (connectives) and white (pollen sacs), and gynoecium in pink (diagram and photographs B, E, F, H, K, L, N, O, Q by R.F. Almeida; A–D, G, M by M.O.O. Pellegrini; I by Amaury Jr.; J, P by J.V. Santos).

  Part of: de Almeida RF, de Morais IL, Alves-Silva T, Antonio-Domingues H, Pellegrini MOO (2024) A new classification system and taxonomic synopsis for Malpighiaceae (Malpighiales, Rosids) based on molecular phylogenetics, morphology, palynology, and chemistry. PhytoKeys 242: 69-138.