Compound inflorescences of Malpighiaceae A thyrse of 1-flowered cincinni of Byrsonima sericea B corymb of 1-flowered cincinni of Mascagnia cordifolia C umbel of 1-flowered cincinni of Banisteriopsis argyrophylla D line drawing of an inflorescence of Stigmaphyllon angustilobum showing 1-flowered cincinni arranged in umbels (1st order inflorescence), arranged in dichasia (2nd order inflorescence), arranged in a thyrse (3rd order inflorescence) E photograph of the inflorescence branch of Stigmaphyllon angustilobum (photographs B, C by M.O.O. Pellegrini; A, E by R.F. Almeida; line drawing D by K. Souza).

  Part of: de Almeida RF, de Morais IL, Alves-Silva T, Antonio-Domingues H, Pellegrini MOO (2024) A new classification system and taxonomic synopsis for Malpighiaceae (Malpighiales, Rosids) based on molecular phylogenetics, morphology, palynology, and chemistry. PhytoKeys 242: 69-138.