Bulbophyllum romklaoense Pingyot & Thawara A habit B pseudobulb with inflorescence arising from the base C flower, front view D flower, side view (right petal and right lateral sepal removed) E floral bract F dorsal sepal G lateral sepals (flattened & indumentum removed) H petals J column, top part K lip L anther cap (from Inthakul N887-50). Drawn by T. Pingyot.

  Part of: Thawara N, Pingyot T, Suksathan P, Ruchisansakun S (2024) Bulbophyllum romklaoense (Orchidaceae), a new species from Thailand. PhytoKeys 238: 147-155. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.238.114999