Vaccinium chaozhouense A habitat B habit and flowering branchlets C flowering branch D fruiting branches E abaxial surface of leaf blade showing glandular trichomes F flower G bracts, adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) surfaces H bracteoles, adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) surfaces I stamens, ventral (left), lateral (middle) and dorsal (right) view J hypanthium (with calyx lobes removed), showing disk and style K disk, top view L ovary cross-section, showing the pseudo-10-locular ovary. Scale bars: 5 mm (F–G, J); 3 mm (H); 2 mm (I, L); 1.5 mm (E, K). Photographs by Yi-Hua Tong, except D by Jian-Hong Ding.

  Part of: Tong Y-H, Ye P-Z, Ding J-H, Huang W-C, Huang W, Ni J-B (2023) Vaccinium chaozhouense (Ericaceae), a new species from East Guangdong, China. PhytoKeys 236: 113-119.