Primula brachystoma and four of its close taxa A P. brachystoma B P. prenantha subsp. morsheadiana (from its type locality: pass of Duoxiongla, Xizhang) C flower of P. prenantha subsp. morsheadiana (homostyly) D P. prenantha subsp. prenantha (from Gaoligong Mountain, Yunnan) E flower of P. prenantha subsp. prenantha (homostyly) F P. serratifolia (from its type locality: Cangshan Mountain, Yunnan) G flower of P. serratifolia (flower are biocolorous) H P. melanodonta (from Gaoligong Mountain, Yunnan, flowers are concolorous) I leaf blade of P. melanodonta. Photographed by Z. K. Wu.

  Part of: Jiang X-Q, Zhang N, Wu Z-K (2023) Rediscovery of Primula brachystoma (Primulaceae), a rare species endemic to Gaoligong Mountain of Chinese-Burma frontier. PhytoKeys 227: 35-42.