Morphological characters differentiating Uvariodendron kimbozaense Dagallier (A, C, E, G) and Uvariodendron kirkii Verdc. (B, D, F, H) A flowering pedicel with bracts and sepals, side view, note the imbricate sepals B flowering pedicel with bract scar and sepals C flower, with one outer petal and two inner petals gnawed, top view, note the slight transversal curvature of the inner petals D flower, top view, note the ‘boat-shaped’ inner petals E, F simplified representations of the flowers, from above, yellow marking highlights transversal curvature of the petals G, H Simplified representations of the transversal cut of the leaf, by the midrib. A, C Dagallier 49 (type) B, D Dagallier 23. Photos and drawings Léo-Paul Dagallier. Abbreviations: B, bract; brs bract scar; ca, carpel; ip, inner petal; lam, lamina; mlo, lower (abaxial) side of the midrib; mup, upper (adaxial) side of the midrib; op, outer petal; sep, sepal.