Epidendrum brachyblastum from Arista et al. 148 A habit B flower C dissected perianth D inflorescence at apex of stem E longitudinal section of flower F column and ovary-pedicel from side (left) and below (right) G anther from above (left) and below (right), and pollinarium (Photographs by J. D. Edquén; plate prepared by A. Cisneros).

  Part of: Arista JP, Hágsater E, Santiago E, Edquén JD, Pariente E, Oliva M, Salazar GA (2023) New and noteworthy species of the genus Epidendrum (Orchidaceae, Laeliinae) from the Área de Conservación Privada La Pampa del Burro, Amazonas, Peru. PhytoKeys 227: 43-87. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.227.101907