Sinosasa gracilis A habit B foliage leafy branch C culm bud and strongly raised supranodal ridge D culm leaf sheath base E partial culm, showing solitary branch F dried foliage leafy branch, showing wavy blades and a close-up view of glabrous sheath, short inner ligules, auricles and oral setae G culm leaf blade, auricles and oral setae H glabrous abaxial surface of culm leaf sheath. All photos by Xing Li.

  Part of: Li X, Ni J-B, Cai Z-Y, Tong Y-H, Xia N-H (2023) Sinosasa gracilis (Poaceae, Bambusoideae), a new combination supported by morphological and phylogenetic evidence. PhytoKeys 226: 53-63.