Solanum salamancae A habit B fruiting branch with developing fruits with large calyx lobes C fruiting branch with mature fruits D mature fruits inside inflated calyces (A Hunziker & Subils 24049 [MA771370] B Novara & Bruno 9637 [S-R-9196] C Novara & Bruno 9637 [CORD00004294] D Hunziker & Subils 24049 [CORD00004292]). Reproduced with permission of the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, Swedish Museum of Natural History and the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

  Part of: Knapp S, Särkinen T, Barboza GE (2023) A revision of the South American species of the Morelloid clade (Solanum L., Solanaceae). PhytoKeys 231: 1-342.