Examples of ACO gene nucleotide ambiguities for selected Spiranthes. The sample “S.arcisepala_S4” is from Hough and Young (2021), all other samples are from Pace and Cameron (2017) A examples of ambiguities present in Hough and Young (2021), but not present in Pace and Cameron (2017) (Y and R), and an ambiguity present in Hough and Young (2021) but overlooked in Pace and Cameron (2017) (K) B example of ambiguity present in Pace and Cameron (2017) (M), but not present in Hough and Young (2021).

  Part of: Pace MC (2023) Independent origins of Spiranthes ×kapnosperia (Orchidaceae) and their nomenclatural implications. PhytoKeys 226: 89-100. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.226.100062