PhytoKeys 14: 57–80, doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.14.3415
First instalment in resolution of the Banksia spinulosa complex (Proteaceae): B. neoanglica, a new species supported by phenetic analysis, ecology and geography
Margaret L. Stimpson 1, Peter H. Weston 2, Ian R.H. Telford 1, Jeremy J. Bruhl 1
1 Botany, School of Environmental and Rural Science and N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351 Australia
2 National Herbarium of New South Wales, The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Mrs Macquaries Road, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

Corresponding author: Jeremy J. Bruhl (

Academic editor: Hugo De Boer

received 24 May 2012 | accepted 25 July 2012 | Published 3 August 2012

(C) 2012 Margaret L. Stimpson. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

For reference, use of the paginated PDF or printed version of this article is recommended.


Taxa in the Banksia spinulosa Sm. complex (Proteaceae) have populations with sympatric, parapatric and allopatric distributions and unclear or disputed boundaries. Our hypothesis is that under biological, phenetic and diagnosable species concepts that each of the currently named taxa within the Banksia spinulosa complex is a separate species. Based on specimens collected as part of this study, and data recorded from specimens in six Australian herbaria, complemented by phenetic analysis (semi–strong multidimensional scaling and UPGMA clustering) and a detailed morphological study, we investigated both morphological variation and geographic distribution in the Banksia spinulosa complex. All specimens used for this study are held at the N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium or the National Herbarium of New South Wales. In total 23 morphological characters (11 quantitative, five binary, and seven multistate characters) were analysed phenetically for 89 specimens. Ordination and cluster analysis resulted in individuals grouping strongly allowing recognition of distinct groups consistent with their recognition as separate species. Additional morphological analysis was completed on all specimens using leaf, floral, fruit and stem morphology, providing clear cut diagnosable groups and strong support for the recognition of Banksia spinulosa var. cunninghamii and Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica as species.


Banksia spinulosa, Banksia cunninghamii, Banksia neoanglica, species limits, phenetics, new species, floral and inflorescence morphology


Banksia is a moderately sized genus currently of 212 taxa; viz. 78 species, 9 subspecies and 11 varieties (see Collins et al. 2009), plus 114 species previously included under Dryandra (Mast and Thiele 2007). There are16 named species of Banksia in the eastern states of Australia (Collins et al. 2009). Species of Banksia are often found in sclerophyllous, heathy shrublands on nutrient poor soils and have spectacular spike-like cylindrical or flattened, head-like conflorescences that are easily recognised (Mast et al. 2005). The growth habit in Banksia ranges from small prostrate woody mats to 25 m tall trees. Only one species occurs naturally outside Australia, Banksia dentata, which extends to Papua New Guinea, Irian Jaya and the Aru Islands (George 1981; Mast et al. 2002).

According to George’s (1999) classification, the Banksia spinulosa complex has the broadest latitudinal, altitudinal and ecological amplitude of any species in the genus (Thiele and Ladiges 1996). The Banksia spinulosa complex consists of four taxa distributed from north-eastern Queensland to eastern Victoria along the coast and highlands. Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa occupies both latitudinal extremes but is replaced along the coast between the Sunshine Coast area in south-eastern Queensland and the Hawkesbury River in central eastern New South Wales by Banksia spinulosa var. collina, which also has inland outliers west to the Carnarvon National Park area. Banksia spinulosa var. cunninghamii is mostly a montane taxon distributed mostly between the Hunter River in central eastern New South Wales and eastern Victoria, with a northern disjunction in the McPherson Range along the Queensland–New South Wales border. It is broadly sympatric with, and frequently co-occurs in mixed populations alongside Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa between the northern Blue Mountains and the Moss Vale district. Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica is also a montane taxon, distributed from the McPherson Range and along the eastern edge of the New England Tableland, New South Wales south to the Hanging Rock area. Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica is parapatric with a montane variant currently attributed to Banksia spinulosa var. collina in the Daves Creek area, Lamington National Park; it is allopatric with other taxa in the complex.

Most herbaria follow George (1981, 1988, 1999) in treating this complex as one species with four varieties, viz. Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, Banksia spinulosa var. collina, Banksia spinulosa var. cunninghamii, and Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica. Flora of New South Wales (NSW) Online (1999 onwards) treats the Banksia spinulosa complex as comprising two species, each with two infraspecific taxa: Banksia spinulosa var. collina, Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, Banksia cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii, and Banksia cunninghamii subsp. A (= Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica), and this paper will use this treatment as a reference point. The primary reason for recognising two species was the broad sympatry of Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa and Banksia cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii. There appearsto be no hybridisation between these two taxa, indicating that these two taxa are reproductively isolated from one another and are therefore different biological species (Harden 2002).

These competing taxonomic treatments have created confusion, examples of which can be found in species lists for some National Parks in New South Wales (unpublished visitor brochures), which include Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica and Banksia cunninghamii subsp. A as separate entities. Some herbaria also concurrently use two names for the same entity (see the Atlas of Living Australia). Current circumscriptions of the taxa within the Banksia spinulosa complex are based on intuitive assessment of observed morphological variation, rather than an explicit analysis of the morphological variation. Thiele and Ladiges (1996) conducted a cladistic analysis of the whole of Banksia using 92 qualitative characters and 14 morphometric characters in an attempt to clarify interspecific relationships and to provide a phylogenetic classification. As that was a genus-wide study, limited work was conducted on or within individual species.

The aims of this study were (1) to test and set the taxonomic status and circumscription of Banksia cunninghamii subsp. A; and (2) to search for novel diagnostic characters that could be used to distinguish individual taxa within the Banksia spinulosa complex (sensu George 1988).

Materials and methods Study material

Although dried herbarium specimens were available for this study, it was considered necessary to collect fresh material to adequately investigate character homology though a detailed study of different developmental stages. Existing herbarium specimens were deficient in some developmental stages and often were not suitable for destructive sampling. We made collections from locations in New South Wales and Queensland encompassing the full geographic range of Banksia cunninghamii subsp. A. Vouchers have been lodged at NE and/or NSW (Table 1). Each site was visited twice; the first time in February to observe the development of the rachis, the second time in May to observe the flowering process. During both visits observations were made and vouchers prepared.

Table 1.

Vouchers used in phenetic and morphological analysis of the Banksia spinulosa complex.Numbers in the OTU code are M. L. Stimpson collection numbers. Bcu = Banksia cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii; Bco = Banksia spinulosa var. collina; Bn = Banksia cunninghamii subsp. A; Bsp = Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa; Bsp? = putative hybrid of Banksia spinulosa var. collina × Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa. Abbreviations: NP = National Park; NSW = New South Wales; Qld = Queensland. Voucher codes are herbarium abbreviations following Thiers (continuously updated). All elements of the collections were available at NE and/or NSW during the study, replicates will be distributed.

OTU Code Location Voucher
BcuHW30 Hassans Walls, Hartley Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BcuHW32 Hassans Walls, Hartley Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BcuHW41 Hassans Walls, Hartley Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BcuSR43a Scenic Railway, Katoomba, NSW NE, NSW
BcuSR43b Scenic Railway, Katoomba, NSW NE, NSW
BcuSR43c Scenic Railway, Katoomba, NSW NE, NSW
BcuHW114 Hassans Walls, Hartley Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BcuHW115 Hassans Walls, Hartley Vale, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BcuEL117 Evans Lookout, Blue Mountains, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BcuCF118 Cataract Falls, Blue Mountains, NSW NE, NSW
BcuML119 McMahons Lookout, Blue Mountains, NSW NE, NSW
BcuFF121 Fitzroy Falls, E of Moss Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BcuFF128 Fitzroy Falls, E of Moss Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BcuMW122 Medway, W of Moss Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BcuMW123 Medway, W of Moss Vale, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BcuMW126 Medway, W of Moss Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BcoK25a Kungala, NSW NE
BcoK25c Kungala, NSW NE
BcoK60a Kungala, NSW NE, NSW
BcoK60b Kungala, NSW NE
BcoK60c Kungala, NSW NE, NSW
BcoKR61 Kremnos, NSW NE
BcoKR62 Kremnos, NSW NE, NSW
BcoTG88 Tarragindi, Brisbane, Qld NE, NSW
BcoDCK102 Daves Creek track, Lamington NP, Qld NE
BcoDCK85 Daves Creek track, Lamington NP, Qld NE, NSW
BcoDCK103 Daves Creek track, Lamington NP, Qld NE
BcoMY93 Mullaway, NSW NE
BnRN27a Robinsons Knob Trail, New England NP, NSW NE, NSW
BnRN27b Robinsons Knob Trail, New England NP, NSW NE, NSW
BnRN27c Robinsons Knob Trail, New England NP, NSW NE, NSW
BnBP28a Banksia Point, New England NP, NSW NE
BnBP28b Banksia Point, New England NP, NSW NE
BnBP28c Banksia Point, New England NP, NSW NE, NSW
BnNE39a Point Lookout road, New England NP, NSW NE
BnNE39b Point Lookout road, New England NP, NSW NE, NSW
BnNE39c Point Lookout road, New England NP, NSW NE, NSW
BnDCK79 Daves Creek track, Lamington NP, Qld NE, NSW
BnDCK80 Daves Creek track, Lamington NP, Qld NE, NSW
BnDCK81 Daves Creek track, Lamington NP, Qld NE, NSW
BnDCK82 Daves Creek track, Lamington NP, Qld NE
BnBP96 Banksia Point, New England NP, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BnTC97 Tom’s Cabin, New England NP, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BnMM98 Mount Mitchell, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BnMM99 Mount Mitchell, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BnG100 Girraween NP, Qld BRI, NE, NSW
BnG101 Girraween NP, Qld BRI, NE, NSW
BnDCK104 Daves Creek track, Lamington NP, Qld NE
BnDCK105 Daves Creek track, Lamington, NP, Qld NE, NSW
BnBB106 Boonoo Boonoo NP, Morgan’s Gully, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BnBB107 Boonoo Boonoo NP, Morgan’s Gully, NSW NE, NSW
BnBB108 Boonoo Boonoo NP, Morgan’s Gully, NSW NE, NSW
BnBB109 Boonoo Boonoo NP, Cyprus Pine Camp, NSW NE, NSW
BnGR110 Gibraltar Range NP, Mulligans Hut, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BnGR111 Gibraltar Range NP, Mulligans Hut, NSW NE
BnGR112 Gibraltar Range NP, Mulligans Hut, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
BnGR113 Gibraltar Range NP, Mulligans Hut, NSW NE
BspDC42 Darling Causeway, Blue Mountains, NSW NE, NSW
BspHB44 Hazelbrook, Blue Mountains, NSW NE, NSW
BspHB45 Hazelbrook, Blue Mountains, NSW NE, NSW
BspJB46 Jervis Bay, NSW NE, NSW
BspJB59 Jervis Bay, NSW NE, NSW
BspML120 McMahons Lookout, Blue Mountains, NSW NE, NSW
BspFF127 Fitzroy Falls, E of Moss Vale, NSW NE, NSW
BspMW129 Medway, W of Moss vale, NSW NE, NSW
BspML130 McMahons Lookout, Blue Mountains, NSW NE, NSW
BspEL131 Evans Lookout, Blue Mountains, NSW NE
BspCF132 Cataract Falls, Blue Mountains, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?BU36 Bouddi NP, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?BU37 Bouddi NP, NSW NE
Bsp?BU38 Bouddi NP, NSW NSW
Bsp?CA52a Calga, NSW NSW
Bsp?CA52b Calga, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?CA52c Calga, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?CA53a Calga, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?CA53b Calga, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?CA53c Calga, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?M54a Morisset, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?M54b Morisset, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?M54c Morisset, NSW BRI, NE, NSW
Bsp?RM66 Morisset, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?YM67 Morisset, NSW NE, NSW
Bsp?JB124 Jervis Bay, NSW NE
Bsp?MM86 Mount Mee, Qld NE
Bsp?MM87 Mount Mee, Qld NE
Bsp?GM89 Glasshouse Mountains, Qld NE
Bsp?GM90 Glasshouse Mountains, Qld NE
Bsp?GM91 Glasshouse Mountains, Qld NE
Bsp?GM92 Glasshouse Mountains, Qld NE
Observations and microscopy

Micromorphology was examined using Leica MZ8 and MZ9 stereomicroscopes fitted with eyepiece graticules. Images were taken using a Wild M400 photomacroscope fitted with a Nikon DS-5M-L1 Digital Sight Camera System. Exploratory scanning electron microscopy of styles was undertaken using air and silca gel-dried samples mounted on double-sided carbon tabs on aluminium stubs. Specimens were coated with gold in a Neocoater sputter coater and examined at 15 kV using a Neoscope JCM-5000 bench-top SEM.

Phenetic analysis Selection of characters

The character list was primarily constructed to include leaf, floral, stem and fruit morphology. Assessment of descriptions of the taxa in the Banksia spinulosa complex (George 1981, 1988; Thiele and Ladiges 1996; Harden 2002) led to the selection of characters for the inclusion in the phenetic analysis. Additional characters were considered based on observed differences in the field (Table 2). Wherever possible, quantitative characters were used to reduce subjectivity and to avoid artefacts resulting from the conversion of continuous variables into categorical ones. Qualitative character states were scored as either 1 or 2. Quantitative characters for each OTU were the mean of up to 10 measurements where possible.

Table 2.

Characters used for phenetic analysis for the Banksia spinulosa species complex.

No. Character and states
Quantitative characters
1 Length of complete conflorescence including peduncle ± 1 mm
2 Width of lamina at widest point excluding teeth ± 1 mm
3 Length of lamina including mucro ±1 mm
4 Length from base of lamina to first tooth excluding mucro ± 1 mm
5 Length of seed including wing ± 1 mm
6 Width of wing at widest point ± 1 mm
7 Length of seed excluding wing ± 1 mm
17* Number of floral pairs around circumference of conflorescence
9 Length of complete infructescence ± 1 mm
10 Circumference of complete infructescence ± 1 mm
12 Lamina interveinal thickness when dry ± 0.05 mm
Binary characters
11 Lignotuber: 1 = absent 2 = present
20* Floral bract keel number: 1 = 1 2 = 2
21* Distal bract margins: 1= plain 2 = recurved
22* Bract apiculum: 1= absent 2 = present
23* Bract apiculum: 1 = not incurved 2= incurved
Multistate characters
8 Lamina apex: 1 = tridentate, 2 = bidentate, 3 = unidentate
13 Colour of lamina adaxial surface when dry~
14 Colour of lamina abaxial surface when dry~
15 Colour of lamina adaxial surface prior to drying~
16 Colour of lamina abaxial surface prior to drying~
18* Style colour pre anthesis~
19* Style colour post anthesis~

~=RHS colours, see Table 3. * = new characters; i.e. not previously used in studies of Banksia (cf. Thiele and Ladiges 1996).

Colours, however, were treated as multistate characters to maximise accuracy and repeatability, which allowed for some natural variation, thus avoiding spurious over-precision (see below). Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) colours were used to compare adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces prior to, and after drying, as well as styles before and after anthesis. Each RHS colour was allocated a number from 1–26 (Table 3).

Table 3.

RHS colour codes used in phenetic analysis.

Colours RHS colours Coded RHS colours
Green Group 135a–d 1
Green Group 137a–d 2
Yellow Green Group 146a–d 3
Yellow Green Group 147a–d 4
Greyed White Group 156a– 5
Greyed White Group 156b-d 6
Greyed White Group 157a–d 7
Greyed Green group 190a-c 8
Greyed Green Group 190d 9
Greyed Yellow Group 160a 10
Greyed Yellow Group 162a–d 11
Yellow green group 148d 12
Green White group 157b 13
Red Purple Group 59a–d 14
Red Purple Group 61a–d 15
Black Group 202a–d 16
Greyed Yellow group 160b-160d 17
Greyed Green Group 191a–d 18
Greyed Green Group 195a–d 19
Greyed Green Group 196a–d 20
Green Group 139a–d 21
Greyed Green Group 198a–d 22
Yellow Green Group 148a–d 23
Yellow Green Group 145a-d 24
Yellow Green Group 152a-d 25
Greyed Green Group 198a-d 26

All leaf measurements were taken from leaves in the middle of a branchlet, selected from the whorl of branchlets subtending a resting terminal bud or conflorescence; leaves were measured after drying. Conflorescence characters such as number of floral pairs were counted live on the plant. Infructescences were measured vertically with a steel ruler and the circumference was measured with a sewing tape measure.

Infructescences were placed on a gas burner for 1–3 min then left on brown paper for two days in a dry place. Seeds were extracted using a pair of forceps and measured under a stereomicroscope using a calibrated eyepiece graticule.


A dataset (Appendix 1) was maintained in Microsoft Excel and exported to PATN v. 3 for Windows (Belbin and Collins 2006). The characters were range-standardised and a distance matrix calculated using the Gower distance metric (Wills et al. 2000). Three-dimensional ordination plots were generated from the distance matrix using semi-strong hybrid multidimensional scaling (SSH MDS) with 100 random starts and 200 iterations to minimise stress. Flexible UPGMA (Beta-value = -0.1) phenograms, 3D ordination scatter plots, and correlation of characters with ordination pattern (PCC) were produced directly within PATN. The criteria for circumscribing distinct taxa were: (1) the OTUs representing the putative taxa formed discrete groups that did not overlap those of any other groups of OTUs in both cluster and ordination analysis and (2) the OTUs within these groups showed an amount of morphological heterogeneity similar to that of the other putative species in the Banksia spinulosa complex included in the analysis (Plunkett et al. 2009). In total 23 characters were used, 11 morphometric, five binary, seven multistate qualitatively coded morphological characters (Table 2).

Diagnostic qualitative morphological characters Conflorescences

The conflorescences of all taxa in the Banksia spinulosa species complex consist of an elongate woody rachis that has three types of bracts. Below the base of the rachis on the short peduncle are the involucral bracts. The second type of bract is the common bract each of which subtends a flower pair on the conflorescence axis. The third type of bract, a smaller floral bract, subtends each flower in a pair (Johnson and Briggs 1975; George 1981; Thiele and Ladiges 1996). In the early stage of conflorescence development, flower pairs start to develop along the rachis basipetally. The flowers emerge from each side of the floral bracts and above and below each large common bract. Bracts and flower pairs are arranged in vertical columns on the rachis. This pattern is visually enhanced with the development of styles. The vertical striping pattern remains until the perianth and the styles have senesced or fallen from the rachis (George 1981; Thiele and Ladiges 1996; Collins et al. 2009).

Structure of the perianth (floral pairs)

The perianth segments or tepals in Banksia each consist of a limb and a claw (Thiele and Ladiges 1996). In Banksia andmost other Proteaceaethe perianth is made up of four tepals (Wrigley and Fagg 1989; Weston 2006).

Structure of the style

The conflorescences in the Banksia spinulosa complex have the appearance of being a particular colour, i.e. black, red, yellow orange, or purple. It is the styles that are most boldly coloured with red, black, green, yellow or purple pigment, not the limb and claw (George 1981; Collins et al. 2009). All styles in the Banksia spinulosa species complex are hooked and extend up to 3 mm past the limb and claw just prior to anthesis. The distal part of the style is modified as a pollen presenter and the stigmatic cavity is located at the apex of the style. The style is released from the limb upon anthesis (Thiele and Ladiges 1996; Weston 2006). All styles in the Banksia spinulosa complex have similar surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy was performed on the style surfaces and no distinguishing features were found.

Leaf morphology

All taxa within the Banksia spinulosa complex have leaves that are scleromorphic in texture, discolourous, and linear in shape. The indumentum on the abaxial leaf surface is felted and the midvein is raised on the abaxial surface of all leaves in all taxa within the complex. Continuous variation was found in the colour of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces both within and between populations of all taxa within the Banksia spinulosa complex.


The term lignotuber refers to a woody swelling which may take the form of an extensive subterranean lignotuber, basal lignotuber, or an above ground lignotuber (Mibus and Sedgley 2000). The development of a lignotuber is considered to have evolved repeatedly in different lineages in response to increased fire frequency (Whelan and York 1998).

Results and discussion Phenetic analysis

Ordination (Figure 1) and clustering (Figure 2) of the data matrix found five distinct groups of OTUs in the Banksia spinulosa complex: corresponding to a priori names Banksia spinulosa var. collina sens. lat., Banksia spinulosa var. collina × Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa from near the New South Wales locations of Morisset, Bouddi and Calga, Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, Banksia cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii, B. cunninghamii subsp. A. The phenogram displays the same five groups of OTUs (Figure 2). Even when we reran the analyses excluding all the binary characters (Characters 11, 20–23; ordination and phenogram not presented), the same five groups of OTUs were obtained, which, along with the very low stress value (Figure 1) indicate that the results are robust. Twelve of the 23 characters, including quantitative, binary and multistate characters had correlated more than 70% with the ordination (Table 4) indicating sound choice of characters, a broad base of evidence for the patterns obtained, and confidence in the results obtained.

Figure 1.

3D ordination from semi-strong multidimensional scaling of the Banksia spinulosa complex. From to leftto right, Banksia spinulosa var. collina sens. lat., Banksia spinulosa from Morisset, Bouddi and Calga, Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, Banksia cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii, Banksia cunninghamii subsp. A. Ordination stress = 0.795. Size and colour of OTUs represents perspective. Ordination orientated to highlight separation of groups of OTUs. See Table 2 for characters and Appendix 1 for data.

Figure 2.

Flexible UPGMA phenogram of OTUs in the Banksia spinulosa complex. Major groups from top to bottom: Banksia cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii, Banksia cunninghamii subsp. A, B. spinulosa var. collina sens. lat., Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa, Banksia spinulosa from Morisset, Bouddi and Calga. See Table 2 for characters and Appendix 1 for data.

Table 4.

Principal component correlation (PCC) attributes and ordination vectors for ordination of the Banksia spinulosa complex. See Table 2 for Character numbers.

Character X Y Z Correlation (r2)
21 -0.115 0.983 0.146 0.978
20 0.35 0.67 0.655 0.953
14 -0.254 0.695 0.672 0.938
23 -0.604 0.473 -0.641 0.938
18 -0.464 0.482 -0.743 0.929
13 0.872 0.195 -0.45 0.917
22 -0.787 -0.327 0.523 0.893
11 -0.534 -0.77 -0.35 0.847
8 0.767 0.269 -0.583 0.84
9 -0.678 0.6 -0.425 0.826
10 0.146 0.72 0.679 0.766
19 -0.104 0.415 -0.904 0.732
3 -0.477 0.868 0.141 0.581
6 0.348 0.868 -0.355 0.537
2 -0.339 0.662 -0.669 0.454
1 -0.47 0.702 -0.535 0.413
16 0.174 -0.25 -0.952 0.391
15 0.45 0.036 -0.892 0.372
12 -0.326 -0.601 0.729 0.308
7 0.433 0.858 -0.277 0.279
5 0.005 0.635 -0.772 0.193
4 0.714 0.694 0.092 0.146
17 -0.614 0.567 -0.549 0.123

The cluster of OTUs of Banksia spinulosa from Morisset, Bouddi and Calga (Table 1) is characterised by red styles, at Morisset and Bouddi and black styles at Calga, multi-stemmed habit and occurs between the Hawkesbury River and Hunter Valley. Herbarium specimens from these locations have been determined by A.S. George and other botanists as “Banksia spinulosa var. collina × Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa”. George (1981) considered this group of OTUs to be an intergrade between Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa and Banksia spinulosa var. collina. These populations do not fall in a position intermediate between Banksia spinulosa var. collina and Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa in the ordination diagram, nor do they segregate into three clusters representing parental species and hybrids. There is thus no clear phenetic evidence of either an intergrade or a mixture of hybrids and parental species between the Hawkesbury River and Hunter Valley. The taxonomic status of these populations and their relationships to others remains unclear. This cluster of OTUs could represent a distinct species, but we will investigate this question and the broader relationship between Banksia spinulosa var. collina and Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa further before making any formal taxonomic changes to these taxa.

Slight outliers in the Banksia spinulosa var. collina cluster represent some discontinuous morphological variation, which we also plan to investigate.

Taxonomic inference

Given the consistent clear cut groups in the ordination and cluster analysis across a broad geographic and morphological range of OTUs (Table 1), we propose the following taxonomic arrangement, which we use hereafter in this paper: recognising Banksia cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii as Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto; recognising Banksia spinulosa var. collina as Banksia collina sensu lato; recognising Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa as Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto; formalising Banksia cunninghamii subsp. A at species rank under the name Banksia neoanglica . Although the OTUs of Banksia spinulosa from the Morisset and Bouddi populations could be considered to constitute a distinct species on the evidence we present here, we refrain from recognising these populations as a distinct taxon until we have more thoroughly tested the hypothesis that they are part of an extensive hybrid swarm and searched for any additional populations that might provide evidence for integradation between Banksia collina and Banksia spinulosa.

Morphological analysis Growth forms within the Banksia spinulosa species complex

Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto is a single-stemmed tree to 7 m tall, and is non-lignotuberous. Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto forms a multi-stemmed, rounded shrub to 3 m high. The lignotuber is subterranean. Banksia collina sensu lato is a multi-stemmed upright shrub to 3 m tall, with a subterranean lignotuber (Harden 2002; George 1981).

Banksia neoanglica has a variety of growth forms ranging from small rounded multi-stemmed shrubs to single-stemmed trees. The growth forms of Banksia neoanglica appear to be related to the degree of exposure of plants to fire. At sites where there have been no fires for more than 15 years, such as at Binna Burra, Lamington National Park, Queensland and some parts of Gibraltar Range National Park, New South Wales (Pers. Comm. Justin Kreis Ranger Glen Innes National Park), Banksia neoanglica is a single-stemmed tree and exhibits all the traits of an obligate seeder such as a greater infructescence load and spontaneous opening of the follicles. In the tree form, Banksia neoanglica has a slight swelling at the base of the trunk just below the soil or there are epicormic buds which often develop into branches, well above ground level, similar to those of some eucalypts (Burrows 2008). The multi-stemmed form has a substantial subterranean lignotuber and requires fire to open follicles and has a greatly reduced infructescence load.

Individual adult morphological features

Styles: The structure of the conflorescence, including perianth and styles is similar for all taxa in the Banksia spinulosa complex. Size, shape and colour of the individual parts of the conflorescence, however, differ considerably across the species. Style colour in the Banksia spinulosa complex varies depending on the proportions of chlorophyll (green), carotenoid (yellow to orange), anthoxanthin (yellow) and anthocyanin (red to purple) pigments that develop in them (Grotewold 2006). The style colour in Banksia neoanglica, Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto and Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto usually grades from red to maroon to purple during conflorescence development, then the style becomes discolorous at anthesis, with the apex becoming dark purple to black. This is a consistent character within and between populations of three species in the Banksia spinulosa complex. The exception is Banksia collina sensu lato which has concolourous green styles both before and after anthesis. We found no black-styled Banksia collina sensu lato within the geographical range of this project.

The style apex in B. cunninghamii sensu stricto seems to have substantially more anthocyanin pigment than either Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto or Banksia neoanglica. In Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto we observed that the style length is usually longer than either Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto or Banksia neoanglica and is a similar length to Banksia collina sensu lato. The black pigmentation of the styles of Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto starts to develop one third of the way along the style above the ovary. In Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto and Banksia neoanglica the dark pigmentation in the style develops one half to two thirds of its length above the ovary. In all populations in the Banksia spinulosa complex with the exception of Banksia collina sensu lato we observed what appeared to be yellow-styled conflorescences. Upon closer inspection they are green styled and appear to have less chlorophyll in both the styles and leaves than is found in Banksia collina sensu lato which is also green-styled. Green styled variants are found in less than 2% of any one population except in Banksia collina. Polymorphism is a common trait in Proteaceae where, for example, 40% of all species of Protea exhibit variation in the bract, style and perianth colour (Carlson et al. 2010). It is often unclear whether these variants are transient mutant individuals or this feature is a persistent polymorphism (Carlson et al. 2010). In the case of the Banksia spinulosa complex, however, the variants comprise less than 2% of a population and were not found in every population; therefore it is unlikely to be persistent polymorphism.

Perianth colour: The colours of the perianth in the Banksia spinulosa complex vary according to their developmental stage and their exposure to sunlight. The perianth colours can vary within and between populations in all four of the species in the Banksia spinulosa complex. The factor that seems to have the most influence on the perianth colour in the early stages of development is exposure to sun, often mediated by the position of an conflorescence on the outside or inside branches of the plant or by shading from other plants. In Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto, Banksia collina and Banksia neoanglica, the conflorescences that are exposed to full sun tend to have orange or yellow perianths. Those that are exposed to a limited amount of sun tend to be green. The perianth colour of Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto is diagnostic for the species. At maturity the perianth always has a distinct pink hue and this colouring continues through to anthesis. The pink hue does not vary between and within populations of Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto, nor does exposure to full sun orfull shade effect the colour of the perianth at maturity.

Common bracts: Common bracts have been mentioned in previous studies (Johnson and Briggs 1975; Thiele and Ladiges 1996; George 1981) but the bract surfaces had not been mentioned before this study or used to draw taxonomic conclusions. Close examination, especially at early stages of development, of the abaxial surface of the common (or flower pair) bracts found them to have differences in shape, texture, colour, and surface (Figure 3A–D) which covary in line with the entities recognised here (Figures 1–2) within the Banksia spinulosa complex. We will characterise these differences for use in future expanded phenetic analysis and description of taxa in Banksia. Floral bracts were not examined in detail in this study.

Figure 3.

Common bractson young conflorescences in the Banksia spinulosa species complex: A Banksia neoanglica (BanksiaL. Stimpson 98) B Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto (M.L. Stimpson 122) C Banksia collina sensu lato (M.L. Stimpson 25A) D Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto. (M.L. Stimpson 120). Scale bar = 1 mm.

Involucral bracts: Involucral bracts appear to be taxonomically informative at the species level in the study group. The involucral bracts of Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto are caudate with an abaxial ‘spine’ (Figure 4A). The involucral bracts in Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto (Figure 4B) are longer and more scleromorphic, with little or no hair and no external spine. In Banksia neoanglica (Figure 4C) these bracts are more hirsute without an external spine and in Banksia collina sensu lato (Figure 4D) the involucral bracts are shorter, have no external spine and limited hair. There are differences in the distal and proximal portions of the involucral bracts (Figure 4A–D) in each species that warrant further examination.

Figure 4.

Involucral bracts on young conflorescences in the Banksia spinulosa complex. A Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto (M.L. Stimpson 122) B Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto (M.L. Stimpson 125) C Banksia neoanglica (M.L. Stimpson 81) D Banksia collina sensu lato (M.L. Stimpson 25A). Scale bar = 2.5 mm.

Taxonomic conclusions

The diversity of species concepts in the biological literature is an asset, not a liability when considering the Banksia spinulosa complex and are an integral part of biological theory. We have taken into account the co-varying morphological discontinuities, the phenetic species concept, geographical and ecological isolation and the biological species concept of reproductive isolation. The use of differing concepts has been useful in suggesting multiple lines of evidence for testing taxonomic boundaries in the Banksia spinulosa complex (cf. de Queiroz 2007). Clear taxonomic groups were obtained based on the results of the morphometric analyses and corroborated by new characters (cf. Thiele and Ladiges 1996) such as the abaxial surface of the common bract (Figure 3), the number of floral pairs around the circumference of the conflorescence and obvious differences in the involucral bracts (Figure 4A–D). Additionally, given the ecological isolation, reproductive isolation and morphometric differentiation of at least three of the taxa in the Banksia spinulosa complex, there is a compelling case to recognise Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto, Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto and Banksia neoanglica as separate species (Table 5). Banksia collina sensu lato is considered heterogeneous and in need of further study, but is not readily confused with Banksia neoanglica. Similarly Banksia spinulosa from the Morisset, Bouddi and Calga requires further study but is distinct from Banksia neoanglica.

Table 5.

Comparison of some attributesof Banksia neoanglica, Banksia spinulosa sensu stricto and Banksia cunninghamii.

Character Banksia neoanglica Banksia spinulosa Banksia cunninghamii
Lignotuber present present absent
Leaf length 43–75 mm 50–72 mm 53–88 mm
Leaf width 3–4.5 mm 1.5–2.5 mm 3–4.5 mm
Leaf margins not recurved tightly recurved not recurved
Length of inflorescence 84–119 mm 96–144 mm 99–152 mm
Common bract keels single thickened keel single keel apex two thin keels
Common bract apex apex rounded apiculate apex rounded
Number of floral pairs 12–14(–16) pairs 13–16 pairs 12–14 pairs
Perianth colour orange, or yellow orange or yellow pink
Style colour prior to anthesis red/maroon red/maroon red/maroon
Style colour after anthesis purple/black purple/black purple/black
Circumference of infructescence 141–160 mm 153–159 mm 113–125 mm
Length of infructescence 85–120 mm 96–144 mm 113–140 mm

The geographic distribution of Banksia neoanglica falls within the biogeographic region known as the “Macpherson–Macleay Overlap” of Burbidge (1960), which is a biogeographically distinctive and rich area (Crisp et al. 1999) with many species of plants and invertebrates endemic to the area.

Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto and Banksia neoanglica have often been misidentified because Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto, on occasions, has a brown indumentum; Banksia neoanglica sometimesalso exhibitsbrowning on the abaxial leaf surface. This character has been used in the past as an aid to distinguishing Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto and the two other ‘varieties’ recognised at that time (George 1981; Harden 2002). Indeed, this attribute occurs in both Banksia neoanglica and Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto. Drying of the specimens in both of these species can cause browning on the abaxial leaf surface. The browning of the abaxial leaf surface should not be used as taxonomic marker or an identification tool.

Future directions

Disjunct populations in central and northern Queensland currently assigned to Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa warrant inclusion in a more broadly framed analysis, as do the northern and southern populations of Banksia collina sensu lato and Victorian populations of Banksia cunninghamii sensu stricto. There are also other populations of Banksia that clearly belong with the Banksia spinulosa group but are as yet unstudied. Further work is needed to enable suitable placement of these populations. Analysis using molecular data, together with expanded use of the novel characters presented here, would likely resolve these long-outstanding taxonomic issues.

Taxonomic treatment
Banksia neoanglica (A.S.George) Stimpson & J.J.Bruhl, stat. nov.

Banksia spinulosa Sm. var. neoanglica A.S.George, Nuytsia 6: 315 (1988).

AUSTRALIA: New South Wales: Northern Tablelands, 900 m along Waterfall Way towards Ebor from turn-off to New England National Park, 22 May 2011, M.L. Stimpson 180, J.J. Bruhl & I.R. Telford; neotype: NSW; isoneotype: AD, BRI, CANB, CNS, K, MEL, NE, MO, PERTH. Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Photograph of the neotype of Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica A.S.George (M.L. Stimpson 180, J.J. Bruhl & I.R. Telford, NE 98613).

Banksia spinulosa Sm. var. cunninghamii (Sieber ex Rchb.) A.S.George, Nuytsia 3: 396 (1981) pro parte, excluding type.

Banksia cunninghamii Sieber ex Rchb. subsp. A: G.J. Harden in G.J. Harden (ed.), Flora of New South Wales 1: 71 (1991); G.J Harden, D.W. Harden & D.C. Godden (2000) Proteaceae of New South Wales: 170 (2000); G.J. Harden in G.J. Harden (ed.), Flora of New South Wales 2, edn 2: 86 (2002).

The protologue of Banksia spinulosa var. neoanglica quotes the type:

“1 km N of turnoff to New England National Park, Ebor–Armidale road, N.S.W., 6 April 1986, S.C. Clemesha; holo: NSW; iso: CANB, BRI, MEL, PERTH”.

No specimens so labelled have been located in NSW, BRI, CANB or MEL herbaria after repeated searches. Alex George (pers. comm. 2010–2011) could find no specimens in PERTH and he believes it likely that specimens were never distributed. Accordingly, we have nominated a neotype, collected from the same population as the type.


Shrubs with 2–8(–10) stems to 2.5 m from a lignotuber or trees to 7 m tall. Juvenile leaves: petiole 2–3.8 mm long; lamina narrowly obovate, 30–66 mm long, 5–11 mm wide, strongly dentate along full leaf margin, apex bidentate. Adult leaves: petiole 1.8–3.5 mm long; lamina linear, 43–75 mm long, 3–4.5 mm wide, occasionally toothed towards the usually unidentate, occasionally bidentate apex; adaxial surface glabrous, with colour after drying RHS greyed green group 195a-d; abaxial surface felted, colour after drying RHS greyed white group 156a–d. Involucral bracts subulate, thickened at base, 3–15mm long, grey-brown pubescent. Conflorescence 84–119 mm long, 70–85 mm diameter at anthesis; floral pairs 12–14(–16) around the circumference of the conflorescence axis. Common bract with a single thickened keel on the abaxial surface that extends from the apex of the bract down to the visible part of the base of the bract, distal margins slightly concave, apex rounded, indumentum villous, lower third of bract uniformly brown and upper two thirds uniformly green (Fig. 3A). Perianth 18–23 mm long, pubescent, yellow–orange at maturity but may be green, orange or yellow during developmental stages; limb c. 3.5 mm long; anthers c. 1 mm long. Style 25–38 mm long, apically hooked, colour grading from red to maroon to black just prior to anthesis. Infructescence 85–120 mm long, 35–45mm diam. Seed 15–19 mm long, including wing. Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Banksia neoanglica at neotype locality. A Habitat B Conflorescences on shrub C Conflorescence from the neotype collection(M.L. Stimpson 180, J.J. Bruhl & I.R. Telford) showing basipetal development; upper flowers with pollen on pollen presentors D Conflorescence and infructescence with black styles at preanthesis. E–G Apex of conflorescences at successive stages of development exhibiting variation in perianth and style colour. Scale bars = 1 cm.


Banksia neoanglica occurs on the McPherson Range, just north of the Queensland–New South Wales border, Mt Warning and the eastern edge of the New England Tableland southwards to near Hanging Rock, New South Wales. Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Distribution of Banksia neoanglica(solid black circles). Towns and cities indicated by open circles.


Grows in sandy soil on granite and acid volcanics, rarely on basalt, in Eucalyptus open forest (Figure 6), woodland and heath at altitudes of 850–1480 m. The species is sympatric with Banksia integrifolia subsp. monticola throughout its range, with Banksia marginata sensu lato on the Gibraltar Range and with Banksia conferta in the Daves Creek area.

The growth forms that Banksia neoanglica assume appear to be dependent upon the exposure to fire (Whelan and York 1998). In areas where there have been no fires for more than 15 years, such as Lamington National Park, Queensland, and some parts of Gibraltar Range, New South Wales (pers. comm. Justin Kreis 25 May 2010), a single-stemmed habit is found. Here, the lignotuber is present as a stem thickening just above or just below the soil surface, and branchlets may sprout from epicormic buds up to 30 cm above the ground. This single-stemmed form of Banksia neoanglica behaves like an obligate seeder with a heavy infructescence load and follicles open spontaneously without fire. More commonly the plants are multi-stemmed, with up to 2–8(–10) stems from a subterranean lignotuber carry a much lower infructescence load, usually 1–3(–5) infructesences per plant. Fire is required to open the follicles.

Conservation status.

The species is widespread, often locally common, and is not considered at risk. It is conserved in several reserves: Lamington, Springbrook and Girraween National Parks in Queensland, and Boonoo Boonoo, Gibraltar Range and New England National Parks and Torrington State Conservation Area in New South Wales.

Selected specimens examined.

AUSTRALIA. Queensland: Moreton District: McPherson Range, Lamington National Park, Daves Creek track, M.L. Stimpson 79 (BRI, NE, NSW); Darling Downs District: Girraween National Park, track to Mt Norman, 21 Jan. 2009, I.R. Telford 13278 & J.J. Bruhl (NE). New South Wales: North Coast: Mount Warning, 3 Oct. 1939, F.A. Rodway s.n. (NSW); Northern Tablelands: 19 km E of Deepwater on Miles Shaw Rd, Butterleaf State Forest, J.T. Hunter 3750 & P.J. Clarke (NE); ); 0. 4 km N of Torrington, 19 Nov 1972, J.B. Williams s.n. (NE); Pheasant Mountain, 32 km NE of Guyra, 24 Apr. 1972, H.J. Wissmann s.n. (NE); Mount Chaelundi, E side just below crest, J.T. Hunter 157 & V.H. Hunter (NE); New England National Park, Banksia Point, M.L. Stimpson 28 (BRI, NE, NSW); NE of Bakers Downfall Hill, Nundle State Forest, J.R. Hosking 1877 (CANB, MEL, NE, NSW).


Resting buds start to expand in late January and conflorescences are fully developed by late March with flowering continuing until early July. These times are dependent on climatic conditions.

Breeding system.

Extensive experiments conducted between May 1986 and July 1987 found that the New England population of Banksia neoanglica studiedwas autogamous (Vaughton 1988).


MLS thanks Leanne and David Rowbotham, Bob and Maureen Anderson for considerable assistance in the location and collection of some coastal populations of Banksia, and Mark and Wendy Alexander for permission to collect on their property. We acknowledge permission from National Parks authorities in New South Wales and Queensland to collect in areas under their administration. Thanks also go to R.D.B. (Wal) Whalley, Ray South, Justin Kries and Alex George for constructive suggestions, and to the directors/curators of herbaria BRI, CANB, CNS, MEL NE, and NSW for specimen data and, where relevant, searching for the original type collection. We acknowledge access to facilities and collections at NE and NSW. Open access to this paper was supported by the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) Open Access Support Project (EOASP).

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Appendix 1

Dataset of Banksia spinulosa complex used for phenetic analysis. See Table 1 for OTU codes and Table 2 for character list. (doi: 10.3897/ File format: MS Word (DOC).

Explanation note: The dataset (organised in MS Excel) presented here as a MS Word document, includes 23 characters and 92 individuals (operational taxonomic units = OTUs).