Commelina huntii M.Pell. A apex of the stem, showing terminal inflorescence B detail of the densely setose leaf sheath margins, with rusty hairs C detail of the inflorescence, showing the fused spathe and developed upper and lower cincinni D detail of a male flower E detail of the medial petal, showing the two auricles F detail of the androecium G dorsal and ventral view of the seed of the dorsal locule H dorsal and ventral view of one of the seeds of the ventral locules. A by L.S.B. Calazans, B, C, E, G, H by M.O.O. Pellegrini, D by M.S. Wängler and F by R.S. Couto.

  Part of: Pellegrini MOO, Forzza RC (2017) Synopsis of Commelina L. (Commelinaceae) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, reveals a new white-flowered species endemic to Brazil. PhytoKeys 78: 59-81.